About Us

Premier Risks Services (FSP 47693) differentiates itself from the rest of the short term insurance
companies by three simple philosophies:
- Listening to our clients
- Encapsulating their individual requirements; and
- Offering an unsurpassed solution.
The management team is backed by committed and dedicated employees with combined skills and expertise.
This enables us to offer our client's a service that is not only expected, but deserved.
Our reputation is the root of our success. We recognise and acknowledge that if the foundation
is poor, we will not have the strength to build on it. If it remains strong, we can grow our
business with confidence.
We clearly understand our role as an independent intermediary and are not conflicted in any business transactions with insurers or underwriting managers. Furthermore we do not financially profit from the underwriting performance, resulting from business placed by us with a particular insurer or underwriting manager. Premier Risk Services are incentivised by attracting and retaining
clients through our superior service offering. Our primary aim is to provide comprehensive, cost effective insurance and risk management solutions, utilizing the most appropriate insurance market.
Whilst we fully exploit information technology, we pride ourselves in providing a one- on -one service to both individual and business clients, through a team of dedicated insurance experts.